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Application for extension? to pay off the? Second Provisional Payment
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An objection to an assessment must be made in writing and must reach the Receiver within 30 days after the date stipulated for payment by the assessment notice or within 30 days after the date that reasons were furnished by the Receiver. The time limit is strictly adhered to by the Commissioner for Inland Revenue. […]
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To the Special Court for hearing Income Tax Appeals: If you are dissatisfied with the decision of the Commissioner regarding the Notice of Objection, an appeal must be lodged to the Income Tax Special Court within 30 days of the date of the Notice of Dis-allowance. This time limit is likewise strictly enforced. It is […]
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This enables a taxpayer to delegate the task to someone else for bringing an appeal on his behalf. He is usually obliged to appear in person in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR),? proceedings with or without a representative.
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This is a flow chart? ?relating to possible procedures available to? a taxpayer after receipt of an objectionable assessment,including the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).
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Alltaxpayerswhoreceiveatravelallowanceareentitledtoclaimadeductionfrom SARS, should they be using their own private vehicle for business use. Itisessential to have certain information to be able to claim any deductions.? A logbook is useful to keep track of odometer readings and total kilometres travelled foreachtaxyear.Thereare2waysinwhichtoclaim:Usingdeemingprovisions,the first18000km are considered private use and anything after that may be claimed up toalimit of […]
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Often the bank will respond telephonically.
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Informsadebtorofadishonouredcheque. Intheeventofabillofexchangeorpromissory note being dishonoured, it is suggested that an attorney beconsultedimmediatelyto ensurecompliancewiththe stringentrequirementsof NoticeofDishonour, as imposed by the Bills of Exchange Act 34 of1964.
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Used when a drawer wishes to stop payment on a cheque.? In addition,? it is advisable to telephone the bank immediately with verbal instructions.
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Assists an individual to determine his? income and? the value of his assets. Estate and investment planning can flow from this analysis.
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In order to maintain an even flow of liquidity, it is essential to forecast cash receipts and payments.
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This account is for individuals.
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Application for extension of time to render Income Tax Return (Form IT12 for the tax year)
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Application for extension of time to render Income Tax Return (Form IRP6 for the First Provisional Return)
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Application for extension of time to render Income Tax Return (Form IRP6 for the Second Provisional Return)
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Application to pay off Assessment in Installments.
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Application for extension to pay off the First Provisional Payment Application
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Should be used when screening a business applicant. This is an opportunity to have directors/members of a company/ close corporation/ partnership sign a suretyship and accept liability? for the conditions of business.? The National Credit Act requires a credit provider to register with the National Credit Regulator if it provides credit for at least 100 […]
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A polite request for settlement of account.
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Requests payment of an overdue account. The first letter of this nature should be couched in friendly? terms.
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Provides a letter, which should follow Form 4.11.
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Inquires into a customer?s failure to resolve his account and requests payment for the third time. The? letter invites the customer to propose a settlement plan and seeks to retain the goodwill of the? customer.
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Similar to Form 4.6 but is from the creditor to the debtor.
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A formal letter of demand prior to legal proceedings being instituted against the debtor.
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A letter of instruction to an attorney to collect an overdue account. The attorney will require all invoices and documentation pertaining to the account before he can act effectively. Legal costs can be avoided by approaching the Clerk of the Small Claims Court (which is situated at many Magistrates’ Courts). This facility is available to […]
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A brief request,which is all that is required.Usually a telephone call elicits a speedier and more? comprehensive response.
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It is obligatory for a credit provider to send a notice in terms of Section 129(1)(a) prior to the institution? of proceedings. A credit provider is defined as follows: a) the party who supplies goods or services under a discount? transaction,incidental credit agreement or instalment agreement; b) the party who advances money or credit under […]
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Aids the creditor to screen a consumer applicant.
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Used to terminate obligation/s.
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An offer of settlement from a debtor to a creditor on a disputed account. The form gives reasons for the dispute, but these may be omitted if desired.
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Similar to Form 4.5 but proposes instalment payments.
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Used for instances when the granting of credit presents a at risk of non-payment.
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Enables a firm to record a credit history and thus to regulate the account.
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Warns a customer that he/she is either approaching, or has reached his/her credit limit. It is advisable? to have credit limits sharply defined and to keep customers fully informed as to their limit.
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A general agreement of sale to be used when the property is sold “voetstoots” (as it stands, with all its faults). It is important to note that a “voetstoots” clause does not protect the seller if he is aware of any defects in the goods sold and fails to make such disclosure to the purchaser […]
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Documents the conditions of sale when goods are sold on a consignment basis. The goods remain the property of the consignor until sold.
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Evidences the return of goods, sold on approval, within the agreed time limit.
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This is a warranty against defects with relief subject to conditions. Section 56(1) of the CPA is relevant since it relates to implied warranties of quality. It states as follows: 56(1) In any transaction or agreement pertaining to the supply of goods to a consumer there is an implied provision that the producer or importer, […]
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A demand by supplier for delivery instructions.
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To be used to notify a customer of the mode and date of despatch of goods.
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Informs a prospective buyer that the delivery requested is to be withheld for a specified reason.
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A letter from the purchaser to the supplier requesting delivery in accordance with an order.
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A demand for despatch arrangements to be furnished, failing which the contract will be cancelled.
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A notification to the carrier to stop delivery and return goods to sender.
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Documents the sale of a motor vehicle. It is important to note that a “voetstoots” (as it stands, with all its faults) clause does not protect the seller if he is aware of any defects in the goods sold and fails to make such disclosure to the purchaser before the sale is concluded.
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Informs the supplier of the cancellation of the balance of undelivered goods. Whether the purchaser can cancel as such, depends on the circumstances, e.g. agreement and trade custom.
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Acknowledges receipt of goods purchased and declares whether the goods have been inspected or not.
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A notification by the purchaser to the supplier, of the rejection of goods and contains a list of possible reasons for such rejection. If goods received are found to be defective or non-conforming (i.e. they differ from those ordered), a buyer can elect either to reject the defective or non-conforming goods, or to accept the […]
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Notifies the supplier of defective or non-conforming goods that the purchaser is willing to accept the goods at a reduced price. While the purchaser is entitled to a reduction in the purchase price, it is always preferable to negotiate the amount of such reduction by way of agreement between the purchaser and seller.
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Protects the seller’s rights when the buyer has either failed to accept delivery, or has prevented performance by the seller after acceptance by the seller of the order.
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A notification to the supplier of a contingent claim by the seller. Rights are further entrenched by Section 55 of the CPA although the drastic contents of Section 61 may not grant any protection to the purchaser since both the seller and the purchaser could be liable to the customer jointly and severally in terms […]
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A notification to the supplier of a disputed balance, giving reasons and requesting adjustment of the account.
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Contains the normal terms of such an agreement.
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A letter requesting a quotation from the seller.
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Stipulates that goods must be paid for by cash on delivery and requires purchaser’s confirmation thereof.
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Confirms a verbal order, attached to which should be the verbally agreed purchase or sales order.
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Confirms a verbal order subject to variations. The order should not be executed until the purchaser has accepted the variations because no agreement will have been concluded until then.
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Provides for the occasion when a supplier is unable to deliver an entire order at once, but will ship the goods in lots. The buyer must be notified of the supplier’s intention.
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Agrees to ship goods on a sale-on-approval basis. The customer is given the right to refuse, within a specified period, any delivery found to be unsatisfactory.
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Contains the basic standard terms found in most agreements of this type. Section 14 of the Consumer Protection Act deals with the expiry and renewal of fixed-term agreements. The Section does not refer to transactions between juristic persons regardless of their annual turnover or asset value. The Minister may by notice in the Gazette prescribe […]
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The Power of Attorney? ….
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Can be used when variations and amendments to an existing lease are to be recorded. All parties to initial Annexure A .
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Contains the terms for any cession. The cedent is the person who cedes or transfers the right and the cessionary is the person who receives the right. For cessions of notarial or mortgage bonds or rights to immaterial property, e.g. trademark, copyright or patent, it is suggested you consult an attorney.
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(2 pages) Made between a company and an outsider (investigator, etc.) whose assignment will bring him into close contact with confidential information of the company. The agreement prevents the disclosure by the outsider of such information.
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Made between a potential purchaser and a target company. The interests of the purchaser are protected and the agreement is more than that in Form 7.10 above.7.11 Confidentiality Agreement Purchaser
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This is the cession and assignment of an agreement. The document transfers both rights and obligations under the agreement.
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This is the cession and assignment of registered trademarks.
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Notifies a debtor of cession of a claim. After receipt of such notice, payment to the cedent does not extinguish the obligation.
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A cession of copyright in various works, such as literary and artistic works (including drawings and technical drawings).
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Permits the use of a particular quotation or picture. The authorisation may be exclusive or non-exclusive and the form provides for both contingencies. In addition, it may well be of use to a company wishing to launch a promotional campaign for a product or a service.
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To be used when a copyright holder wishes to license the use of copyright material. It is illegal and a criminal offence knowingly to infringe copyright. ?Credit line? refers to an acknowledgement to the copyright holder.
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Should be signed by all employees of a company dealing with immaterial property. It has the effect of ceding to the company any rights to inventions, discoveries, improvements, developments or designs, of which the employee may conceive.
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Made between an employee and the company and relates to the utilisation or disclosure of any trade secrets of the company. It is advisable to define as accurately as possible the material that the company considers to be trade secrets. The agreement prevents an employee, during or after his employment with the company, from utilising […]
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E-mail is fast replacing the telephone. Cyberslacking describes the phenomenon of employees surfing the internet or indulging in social e-mailing. It is important to create a Company Policy of e-mail and other telecommunication system use regarding such aspects as privacy, employer monitoring, offensive e-mail, surfing the internet and security risks.
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Certain of the contents of the agreement should be useful for adaption in other IT agreements
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Certain of the contents of the agreement should be useful for adaption in other IT agreements
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Certain of the contents of the agreement should be useful for adaption in other IT agreements
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In order to ensure compliance with Section 6 of RICA regarding the use of a persistent cookie, it is advisable to display a privacy policy which should be displayed at the commencement of a website on the home page.? 8 (iii) 2019 Edition
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This is a confidentiality provision for insertion at the conclusion of e-mails.
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This form is obligatory for unsolicited commercial communications or ?spam? sent via the e-mail and gives the recipient the opportunity to opt-out from future communications. Social pressures and industry regulation have little effect on ?spam?. The main reason is that these rules and guidelines lack enforcement mechanisms. Certain countries have anti-spam bills but not all. […]
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This is a confidentiality caution relating to emails, and requests that the transmitter be notified if the transmission goes to the incorrect address.
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This is for use when a stipulation as to the choice of law or of the court (forum) to hear any dispute may not be enforceable by the country from whence the customer comes. This disclaimer should be clearly displayed and at the top of page 1 of the website. A further disincentive would be […]
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Contains a disclaimer against liability against damages from reliance on information on a website. This must be displayed prominently at the beginning of a website.
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This agreement provides for the payment of licence fees to a software provider who retains ownership of the software he provides. The clauses can be used in a more comprehensive agreement or the important general clauses of an agreement (see Form 1.1) could be added to complement this agreement.
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